We have your enterprise version of “ubertheme/module-ubmegamenu” installed however this seems incompatiable with Magento 2.4.4 upgrade as we keep on getting deprcated errors.
Please can you advise how to fix as soon as possible as we need to get this upgrade live as soon as possible.
3 answers
Hi there,
Please can you advise how to fix as soon as possible as we need to get this upgrade live as soon as possible.
Please consider upgrading to the latest version 1.2.8 of our UB MegaMenu to get full compatibility with Magento open source CE 2.4.4.
Hi Mall,
How do I get hold of 1.2.8?
Hi Pav,
How do I get hold of 1.2.8?
Your account doesn’t appear to have purchased UB MegaMenu at our website yet.
If you want to download the latest version 1.2.8 of UB MegaMenu, please consider purchasing the extension at this page.
Once the purchase is done, you can simply go to Menu > Downloads to get the files.