Wavethemes: Admin not compatible with SUPEE 6788

Hi support-team,
the wavethemes Jmmegamenu plugin is in admin (backend) not compatible with SUPEE 6788. I get 404 page if i click on “Manage Menu Groups”. When I take a look in the plugin’s config.xml I see there is the old admin-router implementation which is not compatible with magento anymore. Is the an update for this plugin?
But when I take a lookg at the other included plugins also

  • Wavethmes_Jmbasetheme and
  • JoomlArt_JmSlideshow

has still old admin-router-implementation.
Could you pleas give us fixed versions for this plugin. This would be gread.
Thanks for your reply in advance.
Best regards,
Hanna-Sophie Ungar

6 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone August 12, 2016

Hi Hanna,
Please PM me your site’s url, admin and ftp credentials, I’ll detect the root of issue for troubleshooting.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of iwelt 40.00 $tone August 12, 2016

Hi Ziven,
thanks for your fast reply.
At the moment the theme with this plugins is not on a staging system. Only on my local developement shop on my laptop.
I think the problem is the following:


Since SUPEE-6788 (see: https://magento.com/security/patches/supee-6788-technical-details) this had to change.

Have we get a old version?

Profile photo of iwelt 40.00 $tone August 12, 2016

The Magento-Version in config.xml of Wavethemes_Jmmegamenu is 0.1.3.
For the other plugins:

  • Wavethemes_Jmbasetheme: 0.1.1
  • JoomlArt_Slideshow: 1.1.1
Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone August 12, 2016

Hi There,
Please follow like this doc: https://www.ubertheme.com/magento-updates/manual-update-magento-1922/
I think you did not add permission for the block when you upgraded the theme.
If you still can’t resolve please put to online I will help you detect. For now i can’t help you because I’m not sure exactly you see in the dev mode.
Hope you understand.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of iwelt 40.00 $tone August 12, 2016

Hi Ziven,
this blocks I had add to Permissions->Blocks.
But my problem is not the frontend, but the backend router from megamenu. At magento with included SUPEE-6788 I think following way to set admin router is not possible anymore:


Only this way like in your JoomlArt_JmProducts-Plugin is possible now:
<JoomlArt_JmProducts before="Mage_Adminhtml">JoomlArt_JmProducts</JoomlArt_JmProducts>

Could you please give as a fixed version for admin routers and controllers with resulting update-layout like for JoomlArt_JmProducts?

With this I would be very glad.

Thanks for your response in advance.

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone August 15, 2016

Hi There,
Please go to admin -> System -> Configuration -> Admin and enable like this pics. http://i.prntscr.com/54f35251b5d6451e9e9016d309e0a188.png
Best Regards,


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