When i run the step 2 the Below error pops in command line..
NOte: MERGE DEFAULT WEBSITESMark this checkbox, if you want to merge your default Magento 1 website (including default store of default website and default store view of default Store) into existing default Magento 2 website
D:\php-projects\classic_m2>php bin/ubdatamigration run --step=2
Processing in step #2….PHP Error[8]: Trying to get property of non-object
in file D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\protected\controllers\Step2Co
ntroller.php at line 468
#0 D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\protected\controllers\Step2Controller.
php(182): Step2Controller->_migrateStores()
#1 D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\protected\commands\RunCommand.php(58):
#2 D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\protected\commands\RunCommand.php(28):
#3 unknown(0): RunCommand->actionIndex()
#4 D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\yii-1.1.19\console\CConsoleCommand.php
(172): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs()
#5 D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\yii-1.1.19\console\CConsoleCommandRunn
er.php(71): RunCommand->run()
#6 D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\yii-1.1.19\console\CConsoleApplication
.php(92): CConsoleCommandRunner->run()
#7 D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\yii-1.1.19\base\CApplication.php(185):
#8 D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\yii-1.1.19\yiic.php(33): CConsoleAppli
#9 D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\protected\ubdatamigration_cli.php(5):
#10 D:\php-projects\classic_m2\bin\ubdatamigration(4): require_once()
22 answers
Hi there,
NOte: MERGE DEFAULT WEBSITESMark this checkbox,
Processing in step #2….PHP Error[8]: Trying to get property of non-object
in file D:\php-projects\classic_m2\pub\ub-tool\protected\controllers\Step2Co
ntroller.php at line 468
That is strange. Seem your Magento2 instance has not any default website. Please try set at least one front-end website in Magento2 instance as default website.
Once done, lets reset data migration in the step #2 of our tool. And restart data migration in this step.
And tell me know how it goes then.
Hi There,
I have did the changes but still the issue persist.. The below are the store configuration of M1 and M2..
Please let me know the issue..
D:\php-projects\classic_m22>php bin/ubdatamigration run --step=2
Processing in step #2…..[Processing] Step #2 migration completed with 2 Websit
Processing in step #2…..[Processing] Step #2 migration completed with 2 Store
Processing in step #2….PHP Error[8]: Trying to get property of non-object
in file D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\protected\controllers\Step2C
ontroller.php at line 468
#0 D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\protected\controllers\Step2Controller
.php(182): Step2Controller->_migrateStores()
#1 D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\protected\commands\RunCommand.php(58)
: Step2Controller->actionRun()
#2 D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\protected\commands\RunCommand.php(28)
: RunCommand->_migrateData()
#3 unknown(0): RunCommand->actionIndex()
#4 D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\yii-1.1.19\console\CConsoleCommand.ph
p(172): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs()
#5 D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\yii-1.1.19\console\CConsoleCommandRun
ner.php(71): RunCommand->run()
#6 D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\yii-1.1.19\console\CConsoleApplicatio
n.php(92): CConsoleCommandRunner->run()
#7 D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\yii-1.1.19\base\CApplication.php(185)
: CConsoleApplication->processRequest()
#8 D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\yii-1.1.19\yiic.php(33): CConsoleAppl
#9 D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\protected\ubdatamigration_cli.php(5):
#10 D:\php-projects\classic_m22\bin\ubdatamigration(4): require_once()
Hi there,
I have did the changes….
Please tell me know about it. Some screenshots? Did you do reset the step #2 of our tool after your changed in M2 instance?
Processing in step #2….PHP Error[8]: Trying to get property of non-object
in file D:\php-projects\classic_m22\pub\ub-tool\protected\controllers\Step2C
ontroller.php at line 468
Please let me know the issue..
As my first reply. It related to the table store_website in your Magento2 database. Have to at least one front-end website as default website (is_default = 1). Here is a example: http://i.prntscr.com/ZqQD0RFAQIOfKXtDReqD_w.png
Seem your database was missed that?
Could you re-try once more with steps as followings:
+ Install a new Magento2 instance
+ Install our tool as our guide and start data migration again.
Also, please move your instance to a live server. And then I could help to check directly.
Hi Support,
we Got a default store in our store_website.. http://devweb1.com//classic_uber_migration/store_website.png
As I said before ours in a theme with store and sample datas.. we have did all the design changes and it is ready to launch..
we need the all the data’s to be migrated to this instance..
we also need to know how to skip the order and order related data’s.. we couldnt disable it in the uber migration steps..
Please help us..
Hi there,
I need a closer look to detect the root of the issues as you mentioned. Please provide me information about your instance as followings:
+ Admin credentials and back-end URL of your Magento2 instance
+ SSH credentials and web root path to your Magento2 folder
I will check further and reply you more later.
Hi there,
We’ve replied to you via this ticket, please follow up further with us there.
Ubertheme team
Hi there,
I have checked in back-end of your instance. An I have re-save the default Store View on default Store of the default Website (Classictruckglass)
Also, I see you have not settings for data migration yet: http://i.prntscr.com/F4UYEAcrQiynWO90ZXOPCw.png
Let’s continue with steps of data migration as indicated in the guide of our tool in Readme.html
And contact me if you need further assistance.
Hi Support,
The migration went well.. Thanks for that.. After migration i couldn’t access the category page in the frontend.
All categories shows 404.. Can you look into this please..
No didt do it..other than the steps i didnt do any thing.. How can i get this values again.. if i run the steps can i get it?
But i have changed the Root Category from “Classic truck glass store” to “Default Category Migrated”
can i run this command to the URLS “bin/magento ok:urlrewrites:regenerate”
Hi there,
How can i get this values again.. if i run the steps can i get it?
Lets try run from your end below CLI command:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --mode=update
can i run this command to the URLS “bin/magento ok:urlrewrites:regenerate”
There isn’t CLI command as that from Magento core and our tool.
HI suport,
I have run the above command “php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --mode=update”. And I can see the values inside url_rewrite Table.
But still it shows 404 page
Hi there,
But still it shows 404 page
For your case, you must assign the root category named ‘Default Category Migrated’ for default store of default website.
As in this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/iyl7kn
And then, you must re-save for all sub categories that root category as in this example: https://prnt.sc/iyl6of
And the category page you mentioned was working fine:
HI Support,
We have done the chages for another category.. it seems to be working fine.
we will do it for all catergories and let you know if any issues..
Hi there,
we will do it for all catergories and let you know if any issues..
Yeah, let’s continue and contact me if you need further assistance.
Hi there,
1)After product migration, we couldn’t update and save some configuration products ID: 983
2)When i try to update and save some configuraion products all the associated products got diapeared ID: 932, 876
That is strangle. It seem your product’s database has something wrong. Did you see any error message during save your product’s information?
3) And we also need to know How to re-assign the missing assoicated product to the conifguraion products..
You could re-update your product’s information in product editing page in back-end of your M2 instance. In case you want to migrate update for migrated product, you could run delta migration in the step #5 of our tool with update mode:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=5 --mode=update
4) weigh is a mandatory field and it is empty in the migrated products, this creates issue in product save , how to handle this?
Does your products has value on weight attribute in Magento1’s database?