5 collumns instead of three

Hi all,

When i use the code

PHP Code:

<div class="col3-set">

div class="col-1">kolom 1</div>

div class="col-2">kolom 2</div>

div class="col-3">kolom 3</div>


You will get 3 collumns.
But I want to make 5

Simply change it to … does not work

PHP Code:

<div class="col5-set">

div class="col-1">kolom 1</div>

div class="col-2">kolom 2</div>

div class="col-3">kolom 3</div>

div class="col-4">kolom 4</div>

div class="col-5">kolom 5</div>


How can I manage this??

1 answer

Profile photo of John Brett 0.00 $tone April 7, 2010

You are correct…that will not work.
What have you set in your CSS for col5-set, col-4 and col-5?

If nothing…then nothing will appear.
Look through your CSS files for col-3 and that may give you a clue as to what you need to do.

Getting a Magento developer to help may be your best bet.

Have fun!


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