Magento Megamall slow performances

Dear Support,
First, Thanks for this awesome themes, Overall functions was good and meet my requirements. However, after 2 months implemented this new website, now the site getting slower and my customer was complaint about this. Can you advise why this could happened?
Regards, Jeffrey

6 answers

Profile photo of Jeffrey Guan 240.00 $tone November 22, 2016

Hi Mall,
Refer to above suggestions, I have try to implement as per your suggestion, but it seems cause the more problem eg. JM slider not functioning, all categories went missing and so on. I wonder, what are the causes of this?
Please advise.Thanks.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone November 22, 2016

Hi Jeffrey Guan

Refer to above suggestions, I have try to implement as per your suggestion, but it seems cause the more problem eg. JM slider not functioning, all categories went missing and so on. I wonder, what are the causes of this?

Do you make re-index data and clean the Magento cache after your changing?
Also, i have just re-check your site and i don’t see you have apply settings as my suggesting. Did you revert?

Profile photo of Jeffrey Guan 240.00 $tone November 25, 2016

Hi Mall,
Yes, I have applied this and refresh or re-index via backend admin, but once detected the JM slider issues, I have reverse the configuration. Please advise

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30670.00 $tone November 25, 2016

Hi Jeffrey, 
It’s hard for us to debug while you reverse the configuration. Could you try again each step as Mall mentioned above? In case you run across any issue at a specific step, kindly let us know details. 
Meanwhile, I highly recommend you to check out our demo (no extra performance optimization is applied on this demo yet) to compare between your instance with our default theme. 
An Nguyen


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