Magento category meta title not showing?

Dear Ubertheme,
After migrating to magento 2.3 we had a lot of stock problems we fixed it by manually putting the whole stock in again maybe it’s a thing to look into?
Well the question we have now as you can see on the category meta titles are displayed as: Sub-cat -- root cat somehow the meta titles ain’t comming up?
How is this possible? it’s only with the categories? Could this be a issue in the module? or is it a magento issue?

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98170.00 $tone January 17, 2019

Hi Lars, 
We’d like to answer your questions below: 

After migrating to magento 2.3 we had a lot of stock problems we fixed it by manually putting the whole stock in again maybe it’s a thing to look into?

We’re not quite sure about the stock problems you mentioned. But manually editing the stock data is not recommended.

As you can see on the category meta titles are displayed as: Sub-cat — root cat somehow the meta titles ain’t comming up?

Actually, the stock problems you mentioned does not refer to the migration issue.
If the meta titles of your categories in M1 exist, the migration will transfer those to M2. However, displaying the meta titles depends on your (custom) theme and extension.
Regarding your question on:

The category meta titles are displayed as: Sub-cat —

This is the format of Magento 2 core.
Hope that helps. 
Ubertheme team


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