Megamenu not working its total wast not compatible

  1. Hi, we have installed MegaMenu 1.1.9, but when we create a menu, we get an error in Ubertheme/UbMegaMenu/Helper/Mega.php line 97 that the Mobile_Detect class referenced inthat line is missing.I have verified that this class does not exist anywhere in the download or the Magento project. Where is this class supposed to come from?Very Very Very Very bad support system is not able to add my question on a question box.

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98150.00 $tone February 11, 2021

Hi there, 

the Mobile_Detect class referenced inthat line is missing

It seems that you have not installed PHP Mobile Detect Resource APIs required by our module. Please help to check Step 1 -- (Required) Install PHP Mobile Detect Resource APIs herein the UB Mega Menu user guide again. 
Meanwhile, our team is having a 7-day national festival starting from 10 — 16 Feb. We will be off in three days (12, 13, and 14 Feb). For the other days, our technical team will follow up on your case if you reach out to us during this time. However, it will take us a bit longer for each turnaround. 
Our apology for the unexpected delay caused by this. And thanks for your understanding and support.
Ubertheme team


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