i have two problem with the Data migration

it first: Message: Mage2SalesOrderAggregatedUpdated: Order Status cannot be blank.
second: Message: Mage2RatingOptionVote: Remote Ip is too long (maximum is 16 characters)

3 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 22, 2020

Hi there,

it first: Message: Mage2SalesOrderAggregatedUpdated: Order Status cannot be blank.

That was because your M1 database had some records with bad data. You can run the following SQL query in your M1 database to look for those data records:

Select * From sales_order_aggregated_updated where (Length(order_status) = 0 OR order_status IS NULL OR order_status = '');

and then, you have to re-fill the value of the ‘order_status’ field on all found data records. Or you can delete those records (if you no longer use).

second: Message: Mage2RatingOptionVote: Remote Ip is too long (maximum is 16 characters)

That is another case of bad data too. You can run the SQL query below in your M1 database to look for that bad data:

Select * From rating_option_vote Where length(remote_ip) > 16;

and then, you re-update the value of the ‘remote_ip’ field on the found data records (max length allowed = 16 characters). Or you can delete them.

And then, you can continue with the data migration in step #7 as normal.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 23, 2020

Hi there,

It will be IP V6 but this is normal

So, can you manually update it to IPV4?

As explained in my first reply, the max length allowed for the value on that ‘remote_ip’ field is 16 characters. This is the default rule of Magento core database structure: https://prnt.sc/t4opdw


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