2checkout module not working with your Theme

I’ve Installed the 2checkout payment option in my website which should redirect me to 2checkout to process the payment but the ajax in checking out is blocking this redirect for a reason or another while its working normally in the default theme so its clear that i have to tune something in your theme to make this work.
Please advise how you can support me in this, my website URL is http://www.dimorakids.com, please use a product called TEST ( search for it on from the search bar) to place a test order and check the behavior. 
Your quick response will be much appreciated.

  1. Profile photo of bashardbissibashardbissi 0.00 $tone July 2, 2015
    Thank you Kan for the reply.. I will send you the details in a private message
  2. Profile photo of bashardbissibashardbissi 0.00 $tone July 11, 2015
    Khan. do you have any updated on this please ????

2 answers

Profile photo of tuan le van 11570.00 $tone July 1, 2015

I need a closer look to detect the root of the issue. Please provide me the url, admin and FTP credentials of your site.
Best regards,


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