I need to do a delta migration with your last version of UB Migration PRO
For the product update (step 5) can you confirm that you had now added a function to check if Magento Inventory is disable ?
I have disable all these core feature who create so many bug, but in a previous version of your extension , trying to do a delta migration with inventory disable crash the process … i can’t remember where you send me a specific patch for this to bypass this.
Do you have an automatic feature who can do a Delta import and work well if the inventory are disable in the core of Magento 2.4.3 ?
Thanks a lot
1 answer
Hi there,
Do you have an automatic feature who can do a Delta import and work well if the inventory are disable in the core of Magento 2.4.3 ?
You can try the following steps at your end:
+ Open the PHP file at: pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step5Controller.php
and find the code line:
$msiEnabled = 1; //1- enabled MSI module, 0 - disabled MSI module
and replace it with:
$msiEnabled = 0; //1- enabled MSI module, 0 - disabled MSI module