Great theme…
I have read another post on here saying the site is very slow, i would have to agree with them is there any plans to fix this issue?
I have a few questions if you could help me out.
1. How do you remove the search from the top menu?
2. After somebody has entered their email address to sign up is there anyway to have a confirmation page load so they know it has worked?
3. Does anybody have any tips to make this site SEO/Google friendly.
6 answers
can anybody help me?
Greetings gbuxton,
The slow load speed problem may come from various reasons, you can post your site URL here so that we can have a look. Or you can use tool here to check the performance: http://www.joomlart.com/blog/news-up…ve-performance
1. How do you remove the search from the top menu?
To remove the search from the top menu, you can go to file: \app\design\frontend\default\jm_sportsgeartemplat e\page\html\header.phtml, find and remove this block of code:
<!-- BEGIN: SITE SEARCH --> <div id="jm-search" class="has-toggle"> <div class="btn-toggle search-toggle"> <i class="icon-search"> </i><strong><?php echo $this->__('Search') ?></strong> </div> <div class="inner-toggle"> <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('topSearch') ?> </div> </div> <!-- END: SITE SEARCH -->
2. After somebody has entered their email address to sign up is there anyway to have a confirmation page load so they know it has worked?
By default, in magento, after you signup or login, it will direct to Customer Account Dashboard with a successful message: http://prntscr.com/47ez2z
3. Does anybody have any tips to make this site SEO/Google friendly.
For SEO tips, please have a look at our blog post here: http://www.joomlart.com/blog/magento…-magento-store
sorry i meant after they sign up to the newsletter -- i wanted it to confirm that it has been successful.
at the moment it just reloads the home page without letting them know. it is possible for a popup window to appear to stay their email as been added.
for some reason after i removed the search code my slideshow is no longer showing?
As default feature of magento, after you add email to subscribe, a successful message will appear like: Thank you for your subscription.
If you wan to display a popup like that, I’m afraid that you need to use a 3rd party extension for this.
With the search in menu, you can PM me URL, admin and ftp credentials of your site, I will check it further for you.
hi Saguaros
i have sent you the details via PM, can you please let me know how I can fix the slider.
I just added this CSS rule to hide the search from top menu:
#jm-search { display: none; }
into file: /skin/frontend/default/jm_sportsgear/css/style.css
Please have a look and let me know if it helps.