I am disappointed by the Megamall template.
It is has nice looking but has many "bugs".
One of the biggest is that whatever you select other languages, the main language remains English !
First time I have such a problem with magento even if languages are correctly selected (and language packages uploaded via magentoconnect).
I think that this template is not fully ready !
3 answers
Please make sure that you have additional language packages installed to have the text translated. Also for the additional texts (the text not come from magento default) you have to add manual translation into your csv files, e.g. the file app\design\frontend\default\jm_megamall\locale\you r_lang_codetranslate.csv
u need to download your language translation from
also u have video how to..
I have installed the whole package and now it works.
This was probably due to missing files a FTP session didn’t upload !
There was also probably a problem with the megamenu that was recently updated with corrected issues.
Thks for your reply anyway !
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