after migration from 1.1.9 to 2.2.8 I see many warnings on system.log:
[2020-04-15 15:11:26] main.WARNING: Attempt to load value of nonexistent EAV attribute ‘1785’
for entity type ‘Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface’. [] []
[2020-04-15 15:11:26] main.WARNING: Attempt to load value of nonexistent EAV attribute ‘1791’
for entity type ‘Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface’. [] []
[2020-04-15 15:11:26] main.WARNING: Attempt to load value of nonexistent EAV attribute ‘1791’
for entity type ‘Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface’. [] []
[2020-04-15 15:11:26] main.WARNING: Attempt to load value of nonexistent EAV attribute ‘3330’
for entity type ‘Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface’. [] []
[2020-04-15 15:11:26] main.WARNING: Attempt to load value of nonexistent EAV attribute ‘3330’
for entity type ‘Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface’. [] []
etc.. How to fix?
Thank you!
1 answer
Hi there,
after migration from 1.1.9 to 2.2.8 I see many warnings on system.log:
That occurred because your database had some data records in the Product EAV tables which had the relationship with the none-existing product’s attribute. Please run the following Magento’s CLI command to remove unused product attributes:
php -f bin/magento catalog:product:attributes:cleanup
And then, reindex the data and clean M2 cache.
Once done, refresh Magento’s log and check the issue you mentioned again.