Bugs in UB Content Slider

Hello, i have found some Bugs (things that can be done better 🙂 in UB Content-Slider
1.) The Date-Slider does not work correctly. every Time is select a Slider to Edit, the YEAR ist set to two Digits (ex 17 instead 2017) and its not possible to save the Slider
Even better woud be a Setting, with not time set (always active)
2.) the String “view more” on the sliders is not translated => this should also be translatable

3 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone November 27, 2017

Hi there,

1.) The Date-Slider does not work correctly. every Time is select a Slider to Edit, the YEAR ist set to two Digits (ex 17 instead 2017)

No, that is standard date time format by SHORT type of Magento. You could view more about this at:

and its not possible to save the Slider

That is strange, what error message you got?

Even better woud be a Setting, with not time set (always active)

The Publish Time and End Time are required fields information on each slide item of our tool.

2.) the String “view more” on the sliders is not translated => this should also be translatable

Yeah, we are missing on this point. To translate for that words, please replace the string ‘View More’  to the code string:

<?= __('View More') ?>

Thanks for your comments.

Profile photo of Jonas Fahrni 400.00 $tone November 29, 2017

Thanks for your answers
to 2.) will this implemented / fixed in the next version?
and to 1.)
i have an Error-Message in system.log: 
[2017-11-29 17:41:12] main.CRITICAL: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (24.11.28 14:50) at position 9 (1): Double time specification [] []

  • can be this an issue with a specific setting in php.ini? 

    The Publish Time and End Time are required fields information on each slide item of our tool.

  • And why do the date settings really need to be required? this is absolutely irrelevant to our case.



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