Hello. I am trying to use SSH to enable this module (Data Mig PRO) on my M2 installation. My public_html folder is set to PHP5.3 because it is a M1 installation.
My new M2 installation is in directory public_html/new/ where the /NEW/ folder is set to use PHP 7.1. So the M2 site is showing in the web browser no problem. Also the admin is accessible, so it seems that php7.1 is working fine.
But when I use SSH to enable…..
girachac@c16543 [~/public_html/new]# php -f bin/magento module:enable -c Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration
I get this error message…..
Magento supports 7.0.2, 7.0.4, and 7.0.6 or later. Please read http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v1.0/install-gde/system-requirements.html
…..so it seems that the Ubertheme is reading that I have php5.3 not 7.1.
How can I point it to the correct php version?
thank you!
I have also tried to set my root directory to 7.1 momentarily, just so the entire directory is all set for 7.1 but this did not change anything....i still get this message in Terminal:Magento supports 7.0.2, 7.0.4, and 7.0.6 or later. Please read http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v1.0/install-gde/system-requirements.htmlgirachac@c16543 [~/public_html/new]#
5 answers
Here is what I did to fix my problem…..
I had to tell CLI (terminal) to use php7.1 each time I entered a command….for example instead of
php -f bin/magento module:enable -c Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration
I had to use……
/usr/local/php71/bin/php-cli bin/magento module:enable -c Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration
Hi there,
so it seems that the Ubertheme is reading that I have php5.3 not 7.1.
No, that is required from Magento 2. It is not related to our tool.
Seem you have not enable PHP7 for CLI environment yet. You should contact to your hosting provider to get more help about this.
Thanks Mall, i will try that!
Hi there,
We have the ticket closed for now.
Once you have our UB Data Migration Pro up and running, please strictly follow our Readme.html instruction to proceed migration. If you run across any issue, please pause the process and let us know details of the issue, we will help you out.
Ubertheme team
Hi there,
I had to use……
/usr/local/php71/bin/php-cli bin/magento module:enable -c Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration
Yes, let’s continue data migration with our tool and contact me if you need further assistance.