Category and product values missing

I can’t get category and products migrated correctly.
Categories: most data are missing (blank). Only metatitle and metadescription will be transfered. No category name, no url key, etc. Categories are only shown in M2 Backend like (ID: 15) at the category tree.
Products: same like categories, all products are being created, but most of product data is just blank, but all products are being transfered (only sku and some stock data will be transfered).
Customer and Sales data are being migrated correctly.
The migration does not show any error, also log file is fine. Enabled debugging but no error will be shown.
Magento CE -> virgin Magento 2.4.2-p1 CE
UB Data Migration Pro latest
Memory is 2048M, PHP 7.4 FPM, 10.4.20-MariaDB-1:10.4.20+maria~bionic binary distribution, Apache, no nginx, Ubuntu 18.x (local dev)
Any ideas???
Best regards

4 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone July 8, 2021

Hi Thomas,

Categories: most data are missing (blank). Only metatitle and metadescription will be transfered. No category name, no url key, etc. Categories are only shown in M2 Backend like (ID: 15) at the category tree.
Products: same like categories, all products are being created, but most of product data is just blank, but all products are being transfered (only sku and some stock data will be transfered).

It seems that your M1 DB has a pretty big volume of Attributes and you have not migrated Attributes successfully in step #3 yet.
Did you see that all attributes were checked and marked ‘Migrated’ in the settings form of step #3?
And did you migrate from a clone of your live M1 DB or via a remote connection to your live M1 DB?

Please provide me information of your instance:

  • Admin credentials and URL of your M2 instance
  • SSH credentials of your M2 instance
  • Let me know the path to the M2 folder

I will help to check further and get back to you then.
PS. Please make sure you mark your reply private or simply switch this ticket to the private mode. Then it’s safe to share your site info here. 


Profile photo of Thomas Maier 90.00 $tone July 8, 2021

just tried to migrate from the live shop db.
It is working! Seems like transfering the db (live DB old mysql version -> local DEV DB maria db 10.4.2) is the problem… I used Navicat App for transfering structure and data because of the small db size. Maybe old school mysqldump would work…
Since the Shop DB isn’t very big at all, I am fine using the live db. If this turn’s out to be a problem, I can dup the db to a clone at the live instance and use that clone…
Best regards

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone July 8, 2021

Hi Thomas, 
We’re glad that you sorted it out at your end. 

Seems like transfering the db (live DB old mysql version -> local DEV DB maria db 10.4.2) is the problem…

Yes, that is right.

I used Navicat App for transfering structure and data because of the small db size. Maybe old school mysqldump would work… Since the Shop DB isn’t very big at all, I am fine using the live db. If this turn’s out to be a problem, I can dup the db to a clone at the live instance and use that clone…
just tried to migrate from the live shop db.
It is working!

Yes, please continue with that. If you need further assistance, please get back to us here.
Ubertheme team


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