I installed the template on my web space jm_seleni
I have a problem that I can not understand
when I try to insert aproduct into a cart and to checkout "as a guest" appears to me the form where I enter my billing address and my billing address (as is normal)
After a few seconds, while I’m still inputting my data, the registration form will disappear and go back to your basket (unless I click anything).
Can you help please?
1 answer
Hi sely2k
There is an bug of javascript on your website
root.querySelectorAll is not a function http://www.kdevelop.net/vecciano/magento/js/index.php?c=auto&f=,prototype/prototype.js,prototype/validation.js,scriptaculous/builder.js,scriptaculous/effects.js,scriptaculous/dragdrop.js,scriptaculous/controls.js,scriptaculous/slider.js,varien/js.js,varien/form.js,varien/menu.js,mage/translate.js,mage/cookies.js,varien/weee.js Line 3299
Please submit a ticket, give us your live url, admin account, ftp account so that we have a closer look on the issue
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