Don´t update Price and Stock Delta Mig Products

Hi there,
I have checked that the Product Stocks, Price, Special Price don´t update.
If  the product is new in M2 the values are correct but if the product exists in M2 does not update stock, price or special price.
I have a multistore  I don´t know if this is the problem.

3 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone September 22, 2017

Hi there,

I have checked that the Product Stocks, Price, Special Price don´t update.
If  the product is new in M2 the values are correct but if the product exists in M2 does not update stock, price or special price.

What is the version of our tool in your working now? How did you do with delta migration with our tool? 
To update information for existing products (migrated products in first migration) you have do delta migration by run CLI command:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=5 --mode=update
(please note, above cli command ready only in ver.3.0.9 and later of our tool)


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