I have already posted a message on the slideshow forum but without answer, hope here it will be better.
So it’s more usual for me to use joomla or wordpress than Magento but I try!
I would like to publish one slideshow on the frontpage for main categories and one different slideshow for each subcategories on "subcategories"’ pages.
I think that it could be possible but I don’t know how I can duplicate the slideshow module and how I can display on different page than the front one.
Thanks in advance
6 answers
Hi admswiss,
Go to edit each of your category in your back-end , Click at the Custom Design tab you would see a field name Custom Layout Update, to show a slideshow on that particular category page you can enter into that field a block tag similar as this
HTML Code:
<reference name="mass-top"> <block type="joomlart_jmslideshow/list" name="jmslideshow" template="joomlart/jmslideshow/list.phtml" /> </reference>
Hope you got the ideal !
Ok thanks I can publish the slideshow on the category page
But now how can I display different list than the homepage?
I tried to create a media folder and add as shown in your tutorial but it doesn’t work!
<reference name="mass-top">
<block type="joomlart_jmslideshow/list" name="jmslideshow" folder="media/amenagement" template="joomlart/jmslideshow/list.phtml" />
The slideshow of the homepage is always displayed
Thanks for your help
Doe’s someone could tell me why the code above doesn’t call the image folder created?
I followed the tutorial and I give up!
Hi admswiss,
Sorry for this late, this seem to be a bug, you can try as following
1) change the tab syntax, this
HTML Code:
<block type="joomlart_jmslideshow/list" name="jmslideshow" folder="media/amenagement" template="joomlart/jmslideshow/list.phtml" />
should be changed to
HTML Code:
<block type="joomlart_jmslideshow/list" name="jmslideshow" template="joomlart/jmslideshow/list.phtml" > <action method="setData"><name>folder</name><value>media/amenagement</value></action> </block>
2) you open the file app\code\local\JoomlArt\JmSlideshow\Block\List.php , there at around line number 79 you would see this code
PHP Code:
if (! $this->_show || ! $this->getConfig('show')) {
replace it by this
PHP Code:
$helper = Mage::helper('joomlart_jmslideshow/data');
$this->_config = $helper->get($this->getData());
if (! $this->_show || ! $this->getConfig('show')) {
Hope that would helps
Thanks that works
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