i filled out the information of 4 social url and it only displayed 2. strange thing is it displayed google+ which i left blank. what might be the cause? thank you
5 answers
It seems you sorted it out? I see 4 social icons in footer now.
To add link for such icon, just go to admin CMS/Static Blocks click on "position-14 " and replace "#" in the following code with social url:
<div class="block-content"><a class="sfacebook" title="Facebook" href="#"><span>Facebook</span></a> <a class="stwitter" title="twitter" href="#"><span>Twitter</span></a> <a class="sgoogle-plus" title="Google Plus" href="#"><span>Google Plus</span></a> <a class="rss-new" title="Rss News" href="#"><span>Rss News</span></a></div>
I meant the social icon on the product page under quick overview
as you can see i filled out the information of facebook twitter pinterest and tumblr and it shows pinterest facebook and google plus on the front product page. any idea why this happen?
thank you for your time
In product detail and quickview, we used sharethis. Please go to admin CMS/Static Blocks, click on "addshare" to edit.
You can see this screenshot for more information:
so may i know what the ‘social button url’ section in JM Base theme is for? i didnt find it work anywhere.
also, i followed your instruction to modify the bottom social buttons by ‘ To add link for such icon, just go to admin CMS/Static Blocks click on "position-14 " and replace "#" in the following code with social url: ‘
after i saved the chage, the address of the facebook buttom on front page is something like this:
http://www.domainname.com/facebook.com/facebookname how do i change it to facebook.com/facebookname
thank you for your patient
Social button url section in JM Base theme is supported in our JM Book theme. You can have them displayed follow this tweak:
To add url for social button in static block "position-14", you should replace "#" with your full social url . Eg: https://www.facebook.com/joomlart