Error : Step 5 Mage1CatalogProductRelation issue

Hello Team , 

I am facing one issue in step 5 

The table “{{catalog_product_relation}}” for active record class “Mage1CatalogProductRelation” cannot be found in the database.
Check this screen :
Please check this issue and let me know soon 

3 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone March 19, 2020

Hi there,

The table “{{catalog_product_relation}}” for active record class “Mage1CatalogProductRelation” cannot be found in the database.
Check this screen :

That is strange. The ‘catalog_product_relation‘ is a core table in M1 database:
I wonder why it was missing in your M1 database. Meanwhile, what is the version of your M1 instance?


Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone March 20, 2020

Hi there, 
It’s a pity that our UB Data Migration Pro module supports Magento CE 1.x to Magento CE 2.x data migration only. And we did state this clearly on our product page. 
Some of our users did use our module for their Magento EE-related data migration, however, they all handled the issues during the migration at their end. 
Thanks for your understanding.
Ubertheme team


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