extension updates + configuration

hi, we updated these ubertheme-extensions to:

Ubertheme_UbContentSlider 1.0.9
Ubertheme_UbLayeredNavigation 1.0.0
Ubertheme_UbMegaMenu 1.0.5
Ubertheme_UbQuickView 1.0.2
-- Ubertheme updated (or newly installed) Ubertheme_UbThemeHelper beta-1.0.0
-- We updated the general Magento to 2.1.9

From a tech point of view we regard the installation of the updates as completed.
From a functional point of view we have questions. After the update we lost the configuration of the different extensions, this while we assumpt the config should stay intact after an update.

1. is the assumption right that after updating an extension the config should stay intact ?

2. If yes, do you have any idea what could go wrong in the update procedure ? Did someone miss something in update procedures, neither from our side as system manager or from your side as extension developer ?

3. If no, is it right that after updating an extension every extension needs a new configuration from scratch ?

Ubertheme updated (or newly installed) Ubertheme_UbThemeHelper beta-1.0.0
4. Did you update the extension or did you newly install it ?

I can see that the config is lost, because there were new fonts added. As far i oversee there was only a beta-1.0.0 version for Helper

5. Can you explain something more about the status of the Helper versions and also: needs Helper yes/no a new configuration as with questions 2 and 3?

best regards, kurtz

3 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone September 27, 2017

Hi Kurtz,
Regarding your question 1, 2, 3 and 5, when you update our extensions, the configuration should stay intact. However, there might be unexpected situation that your old configuration might go wrong or get lost. This might depend on specific cases. Hence, creating a backup your whole site before update is of great importance.
As for your question 4, we do update our extensions recently, yet it does not change much in the core of the extension. 
Best Regards,

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone September 27, 2017

Hi Kurtz,
We’ve have this ticket closed for now. Should you have additional question, please reach us here or submit a new ticket.
Ubertheme team


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