Hi! I did the delta migration for customers and orders successfully but they categories caused some problems so I reverted back to a backup that i had created before the delta migration. I don’t need categories so I tried to just do a delta migration for customers and orders again, but now they won’t work. They get stuck. Customers will just sit and not do anything. Orders will start but then hang at the same percent every time. Do you know how I can resolve this?
7 answers
Hi there,
Do you know how I can resolve this?
I need a closer look to detect the root of issues as you mentioned. Let’s provide me information about your instance:
+ Admin credentials and URL to back-end
+ SSH credentials and path to Magento2 folder
I will help to check further and reply you more later.
Hi there,
I have quick checked in back-end of your instance and I didn’t see any error message in the log of our tool. Let’s continue with delta migration for each step you want. Simply click to ‘Delta’ button or you could use CLI command to delta migration:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=5
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=6
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=7
Also, please review the guide of our tool for delta migration as indicated in Readme.html
And don’t miss reidnex your data and clean Magento cache after delta migration.
And tell me know how it goes then.
I am currently running a customer delta migration. The first one took seconds to finish. This one has been saying migrating for minutes and I dont see progress on the % bar.
Hi there,
Here is root of the issue on delta migration customer you mentioned: http://i.prntscr.com/wPoWSAIZTNS04tsHMpvVTg.png
Seem you have have deleted at least one customer after the first migration?
To solve that issue, you could do steps as followings:
+ Run below SQL statement in your M2’s database: (if your database has a preifx, you must append more the prefix in table’s name -- bold string)
DELETE FROM ub_migrate_map_step_6 WHERE entity_name = 'customer_entity' AND m2_id NOT IN (Select entity_id From customer_entity);
+ Once done, clean the cache of our tool by run command: rm -rf pub/ub-tool/protected/runtime/cache/
+ And then, you could continue with delta migration in the step #6
ok. I also have the same problem for orders too. Are you able to do this for me since you have all the information? I’d appreciate it. Thank you!
Hi there,
I also have the same problem for orders too.
I have just try click to ‘Delta’ button and it works fine: http://i.prntscr.com/ha3qLb7YRsKExBmtOKLEXA.png
So, what is the issue you want to mentioned on sales order data?