Home Page Translation

HI Team,

Any body know how to do for translate the Home Page Blocks?

All my Store Views show the language ok because are translated with CSV files but Home Page is diferente. Maybe only the products description can be translated but not titles or list texts.

Home Page for each Store View is selected at System->Configuration->Web->Default Pages->CMS Home Page. I can create a second Home Page but home page include Layout Update XML referred to statics blocks by ID. position-1 to position-14.

For example, i did a duplicated for all position-1 to position-14 as position-1b, position-2b, etc and working more or less (is need to do some changes in css files). But there is a heavy problem with position-15 to 19. Those statics blocks are declared in page.xml. then there is no way to change anything

I can not translate the Home Page finally.

Any body have a solution for this case?

Thanks in advance.

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