Could you explain me how to replace on the homepage the top menu by JM Mega Menu and of course stop to display the Mega Menu on the left side ?
3 answers
I am afraid that the feature to support multi menus within one site in Mega Menu extension is not available yet. We need time to take further consideration into this.
Just to be sure that we talk about the same thing and to be more precise I attached these 2 printscreen
@ admswiss,
Sorry for this late reply, to replace the homepage menu by JM megamenu you can try as follows:
1) Login yo your back-end, navigate to edit your homepage cms page, there click at Design tab on the left, at the field Layout Update XML you can try as follows:
Remove following code:
HTML Code:
<reference name="header"> <remove name="" /> </reference> <reference name="tops0"> <block type="cms/block" name="position-1"> <action method="setBlockId"><block_id>position-1</block_id></action> </block> </reference>
HTML Code:
<reference name="tops2"> <block type="cms/block" name="position-3"> <action method="setBlockId"><block_id>position-3</block_id></action> </block> </reference>
2) Open the CSS file skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/css/styles.css, look for this css rule:
HTML Code:
.cms-home #mainnav-inner { display: none; }
Change it to:
HTML Code:
.cms-home #mainnav-inner { display: block; }
To change the backgroud-color of the shop-by block, open the file skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/css/styles.css , then find the rule:
HTML Code:
.block-layered-nav { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 [URL=]#3B3B3B[/URL] border: 0 none; padding: 0; }
Then change #3B3B3B to #009BCB.
Hope this helps.