Please see this site —->
As you can see I tried to change catalog.xml to have 4 products in a row instead of default 3 products in a row. However it doesnt look it. Instead of all 4 products in a row, it shows only 3 and it moves the 4th on the next row.
Please help me change the catalog display to show 4 products in a row. Thanks.
1 answer
Hi again,
Just update info here if anyone care
You also need to change width of item listed in order to show 4 items per row. As you can see from this file: /skin/frontend/default/jm_mozanis/css/theme.css , at approx line 2433
There should be code looks like:
.products-grid li.item { float: left; padding: 0; width: 33.3%; <<< change width here }