How to install Kidsland theme in my local machine?

I have purchased kidsland theme from here.. and i have already installed magento in my machine. Its working fine.
Now i want to install the kidsland theme here, as the instruction on ubertheme documentation i copied the file app and skin inside htdocs folder in lampp Linux. 
And i logged into dashboard and i followed the instruction from documentation, went to system=>configuration=>design=>themes and added ‘jm_kidsland in the Default option as shown in the picture in the link now i saved the settings and refreshed the index page,  but the theme has not been updated.
It shows default theme as shown in the picture.
I installed the magento using bitnami installer but i don’t think the problem was by bitnami installer.

  1. Profile photo of ZivenZiven Staff 100720.00 $tone October 21, 2014
    Hi Noones,

    Please PM me your site's url, admin and ftp credentials, I'll detect the root of issue for troubleshooting.
  2. Profile photo of noonesnoones -20.00 $tone October 21, 2014
    I am running in localhost now.. Can we have a session on teamviewer?
  3. Profile photo of ZivenZiven Staff 100720.00 $tone October 21, 2014
    Please read docs
    Hope it help you.
  4. Profile photo of noonesnoones -20.00 $tone October 21, 2014
    I got error message Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Jmbasetheme_Helper_Data' not found in /opt/lampp/apps/magento/htdocs/app/Mage.php on line 547

    After following the documentation above..

    I added the package name as default instead of rwd and added jm_kidsland in the theme

    And then i run in local host and it throws the above error message.
  5. Profile photo of ZivenZiven Staff 100720.00 $tone October 21, 2014
    Hi Noones,
    You only need install extension JM Basethemes. It's ready on package you downloaded.
  6. Profile photo of noonesnoones -20.00 $tone October 21, 2014
    Now it shows 404 not found for all extensions slideshow, products and all of them when i go to the extension menu. I installed extension as in the documentation here.
  7. Profile photo of ZivenZiven Staff 100720.00 $tone October 22, 2014
    You only need clear cache of magento -> system - > cache manager or only need logout and login again to admin. if it's not work please send me some screenshot it will help me more understand.

3 answers

Profile photo of babysingapore 10.00 $tone May 25, 2015

Hi Ziven, sorry for this. Already managed to install most of the theme on another website. However, I ran into a couple of other issues which I reported to you separately.

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone May 26, 2015

Hi There.
the site can’t connect.
Please help me re-check it.
Best Regards,


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