How to make Product Spotlight Choose Items Randomly?

Is it possible for the Product Spotlight to choose products randomly? Currently, I have about 10 featured products, and I notice that the Product Spotlight only uses the last 3 items I made featured products instead of randomly selecting from all featured products.

Does anyone here know how to do this?


11 answers

Profile photo of JA Developer 0.00 $tone July 16, 2009

Hi there,

I am sorry for my delay.
For your case, please kindly try with my guider:

+ Open app\code\local\JoomlArt\JmProductsSpotlight\Block\ List.php file, at about line 258, find following code:



and change to:




Hope it helps.

Profile photo of JA Developer 0.00 $tone July 16, 2009

Hi dwpegues,

In this function, find following code:


$list = $this->getListBestBuyProducts( 'updated_at', 'desc', $product_ids);

and change to:


$list = $this->getListBestBuyProducts( 'rand()', '', $product_ids);
Profile photo of JA Developer 0.00 $tone July 16, 2009


I solved this issue to help you.

Please see my code:


function getListBestBuyProducts($fieldorder='ordered_qty', $order='desc', $product_ids='', $perPage=NULL, $currentPage=1){							
		$list = null;				
			Always set de $perPage, by template or by config 
			if $perPage eq 0 (zero) not limit the list
		if($perPage === NULL) $perPage	= (int) $this->_config['qty'];
			Show all the product list in the current store
			order by ordered_qty, showing the bestsellers first
		$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
		$products = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')
					->setOrder($fieldorder, $order);	
		if ($product_ids) {
			$products->getSelect()->where("e.entity_id in ($product_ids)");

			Filter list of product showing only the active and 
			visible product

		if (($_products = $this->getProductCollection()) && $_products->getSize()){
			$list = $_products;
		return $list;
Profile photo of Daniel Pegues 0.00 $tone July 16, 2009

There it is… you posted the solution as I wrote my last email. In your post, it does not have the option to ‘Mark Best Answer’

I have checked on my site, and it works perfectly.

By any chance will you sticky this? I am sure there are a lot of others that will want to do this.

Thanks so much again!!!


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