I’m working on my website at: http://ag2a.agift2africa.com
I like it how it looks but I would like to make a slight modification to it’s layout and am hoping someone can help me out!
The way it’s laid out is this:
I have a logo on the left side, and a menu to the right side of the logo, and underneath both I have a module with a picture slideshow.
What I would like to do is this:
I would like the logo to remain on the left side, but instead of having the menu to the right side of the logo I would like to have the slideshow menu there instead, and the menu underneath both.
So it would be:
Logo on the left, slideshow module to the right, menu across the top below the logo and the slideshow. Essentially I’m just swapping positions.
In theory it seems rather easy to do, if only that menu had a module position! But I can’t figure out how to do it!
I’m hoping you can assist me?
Website: http://ag2a.agift2africa.com
Joomla 1.5.12
Template: JA Lead
Picture to illustrate it better: http://ag2a.agift2africa.com/images/SwapWeb.JPG
1 answer
i Think you placed this in the wrong forum. This forum is for Magento not for Joomla!
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