If you have problem with mail to a friend buttons overlapping ( attached pic ). It is simple just in CSS theme..ad float: right or left wish all fixes with this template were so easy.
.form-button, .form-button-alt {
background: url(../images/form-button-bg.gif) repeat-x top #E56E2F;
border: 1px solid #E56E2F;
color: #FFFFFF;
cursor: pointer;
font: bold 100%/normal "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif !important;
overflow: visible;
padding: 2px 8px;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
width: auto;
You can float to right but then some buttons from layout also adjust to right and it does not look too good.
May be there is another way.. but for me for time being is enough. I hope that will help other people. There is another problem of course.. text overflowing over button when you reach limits to ad recipients. Working on it now …grr so many fixes with this template really someone could support this forum from designer group. I know magento is just extra but …ghee it is not free and it is not magento issues but template itself.
11 answers
Hi di38
Could you send me your live url, i will support to fix this issue?
i checked your website but could not find image again. It is looking fine
did you fix this issue?
I fixed temporary email.. and it is good enough for time being wit that fix of 5 emails and css… as I had no time So it looks ok.
But major headache I have 3rd day so far lol is with these double boxes while you log in. They definitelly come somewhere from template. I did removed ( i will attached on this forum later how to do so ) links to compare -- as some People might not need it for their shopping and removed boxes. ..but this still shows on the template when log in. And extra box for cart show up.
As I said, it is when you log in. I clean cache etc and done checking on few computers and even browsers… but it is as picture shows. It is real headache.. no idea yet where they come from I will find out.. was hoping for help here. ..as I noticed template got few differences to original magento so it must be reference somewhere. I don’t know much enough about it yet.
I’m pretty sure I saw someone else with the same problem (double boxes when logged in).
If this is the case, JA needs to look at this (and fix it) immediately.
WEll if I find it first I will post it.. still looking where it is. Little knowledge is dangerous lol
Like I will post later if I have time. . There are few differences from template and magento. For example when I looked at coll outs ( left ) i couldn’t find it lol.. because reference is in newsletter.. But I will post most of my findings later to share on forum.. that will help others. Now no time for it. These double boxes give me real headache. They could be anyhwere….I checked all reasonable files one by one .. and because they come from template ( I am 100% sure ) i have no idea… where is the reference to call them up on this specific page.
Frankly magento is not as easy as I thought. Oscommerce was much easier..but got huge potential for future so worth to spend time.
Thank you for this notice.
We fixed this issue and update to the latest version.
To solve this issue, please download my attachment file , extract it and copy customer.xml file to app\design\frontend\default\jm_tube\layout
So I just click only one thanks and Thank you indeed. As I said little knowledge is dangerous thing…and I was looking only at existing files. By the time I would figure out it needs customers.. would be probably too old to finish this website.
HI di38
Could i close this thread?
of course you can ))))))))))))))))))))))) Hey it is like someone gave me $1000 such a joy…..now I can change even layout woooo hooo.. and see how ………wow lol… Oh guys you are brilliant in Joomla forum.. wish it was like this here … What a joy if all works and makes sense.. and i can change myself things. thank you Ja Developer……………very very much…for that xml. It makes all together more sense.
When I login to a test account I’m getting two (2) side mini carts appearing in my account , plus a second compare products is also appearing. How do I fix this problem?
The JaDeveloper already answered in this thread. If you read it carefully .. … He attached file in zip format to replace files to fix this problem. it is called customer.zip You need to upload to server extra file called customer.xml. This will fix this problem They did great job… it works!
This question is now closed