installation error – 404 in admin

Previously we have installed this plugin, and now we have moved to new server and installed this plugin.
After installation, i am not able to open ub datamigration pro plugin, which show 404 page.
Further investigation this shows that after installation ub-tool folder under pub is not present
Screenshot of 404 admin plugin page --
Screenshot of pub directory --
Thank you.

5 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone August 7, 2019

Hi there,

Further investigation this shows that after installation ub-tool folder under pub is not present

It indicates that you have not installed our migration tool successfully yet.
If you plan to start with our migration tool from ground up in a new M2 instance, please try to re-install a new M2 fresh instance and our migration tool once again.
In case you want to continue with our migration tool on your first installation, you should re-backup the old M2 instance first, then you upgrade our migration tool (please not you need to update your db info after moving to the new server). From the screenshot you provided, I saw you haven’t moved your old instance successfully yet.


Profile photo of vkulkarni 610.00 $tone August 7, 2019

please not you need to update your db info after moving to the new server

what should be updated in the DB?

From the screenshot you provided, I saw you haven’t moved your old instance successfully yet.

should the pub/ub-tool folder need to move to the new instance?

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone August 7, 2019

Hi there,

should the pub/ub-tool folder need to move to the new instance?

Yes, if you want to continue with the first migration.

what should be updated in the DB?

After you moved your M2 instance to new server, if you have changed databases credentials, please re-update those credentials in the database configuration file of our migration tool at: pub/ub-tool/protected/config/db.php



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