Hi Team,
We are using your UB Data Migration Pro (CE) -- 3.2.0 to migrate data from Magento1.7 database to Magento2.3.1 database.
We tried to run all steps in admin and two steps are finished without facing any issues. For 3rd step, the process is taking almost 2 days but it couldn’t complete and percentage shows as 14% only.
And then we stopped the process in admin and we running command using Command Line Interface(CLI) which is also getting error mentioned below.
[Processing][run] in step #3: ..PHP Error[2]: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given in file /var/www/html/stuartnew/pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step3Controller.php at line 388
Please help us to resolve this issue as it’s very urgent.
3 answers
Hi Kumar,
We’ve just sent over an email regarding your subscription. Please check and follow up with us there.
Ubertheme team
Hi Team,
For some reason, we have not received the email. can you please send the email again to [email protected] . Also to let you know that when we inserted the records we did not had this issue and migration got succeeded , only while updating for records we are getting this issue.
Appreciate your advise on the above issue.
Hi Kumar,
We’ve just forwarded the email to your new [email protected]. Please help to check.
Meanwhile, our apology for a certain delay in response when you reach out to us during the weekend period.
Ubertheme team