hi, i manage shop at http://www.artliberation.org
there is jm products module on front page with 9 newest products
range of shop is becoming quite wide from music to books through paints and sculptures so clients are vary and usually focused on one section of the shop
so, i would like to ask if it is possible to duplicate jm products on front page to receive
-- last 3 products from music section
-- last 3 products from books and movies sections
-- last 3 products from paints, photographs and sculptures sections
it would be easier to customers to check which sections are updated currently
i will be very thankful for your help
2 answers
At Content tab in Admin -> CMS -> Pages -> Home page, you duplicate 3 times JM Product List as below
{{block type="joomlart_jmproducts/list" name="home.jmproducts.list" catsid="22" title="Music"}} {{block type="joomlart_jmproducts/list" name="home.jmproducts.list" catsid="23" title="Book"}} {{block type="joomlart_jmproducts/list" name="home.jmproducts.list" catsid="24" title="Other as you want"}}
Pls read this thread for more information http://www.joomlart.com/forums/showt…List-Userguide
thank you for your reply. i had some problems at the beginning but i followed instructions on user guide you sent me and i decided to use following syntax:
{{block type="joomlart_jmproducts/list" name="home.jmproducts.list" title="New in Music" mode="latest" quanlity="3" perrow="3" width="180" height="180" max="300" catsid="34" }}
{{block type="joomlart_jmproducts/list" name="home.jmproducts.list" title="New in Paintings & Photographs" mode="latest" quanlity="3" perrow="3" width="180" height="180" max="300" catsid="35,36,37" }}
{{block type="joomlart_jmproducts/list" name="home.jmproducts.list" title="New in Books & Movies" mode="latest" quanlity="3" perrow="3" width="180" height="180" max="300" catsid="32,33" }}
now it works nicely!
thank you for your help!
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