Hello, I am just looking to the jm_wall demo ( http://www.joomlart.com/demo/#jm_wall )
On the main page (first page of site) placed "wall" of goods. Each item has picture.
On the any category page also placed "wall" of goods. And also each item has picture. But this pictures has different size.
See screens in attachment.
I want to know, it is a bug or configurable feature? Thanks for reply.
Attachment 26028
Attachment 26029
4 answers
Hi rool_ra,
This seem to be a bug, I have reported it to the team and it has been fixed !
Thank you for your reporting !
Hi, Shetlock,
Does it mean that we need to re-install/upgrade the latest version if JM Product? I also have the same issue on the site.
Do you have a tutorial describing how to upgrade JM extensions please?
Hi susanp,
In this case you can replace the file of app\design\frontend\default\jm_walltemplate\catal og\product\list.phtml by my attachment file.
To upgrade a Jm extesnion in case you have not made changes/modified it’s core you can just download the latest version then copy/paste it to your magento store to override the old one.( the same way as you install a Jm extesnion to your existing store ).
Hi, Sherlock,
I upgraded the extension, and thank you also for your advise on my general Magento extension upgrade question.
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