Mega-Menu not hiding on mobile

Hello, on my website the mega menu does not move to the side on mobiles or tablets (see image:
The site is
Please advise on how to correct this
Many thanks

1 answer

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone October 15, 2018

Hi There,

Hello, on my website the mega menu does not move to the side on mobiles or tablets (see image:

Please help to check the following block in your admin (Admin -> content -> block -> Main Menu) to see the inserted code is correct as per our user guide: (the section Main Menu). 
It should look like this code:

<div class=”sections nav-sections”>
<div class=”section-items nav-sections-items”>
<div id=”” class=”section-item-content nav-sections-item-content” data-role=”content”>{{block class=”Ubertheme\UbMegaMenu\Block\Menu” name=”” menu_key=”main-menu” template=”Ubertheme_UbMegaMenu::main_menu.phtml”}}</div>

If the code is correct, and the issue still persists, please provide me the following credentials so that I can debug further: 

  • Admin URL and admin credentials of your M2 instance
  • SSH credentials
  • Let me know the path to your web root folder

Best Regards,


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