I use the template of Megamall but i would like to have the megamenu horizontally on the home page just like the way it been displayed on catalog and other inner pages. I tried to insert
{{block type="jmmegamenu/jmmegamenu" name="catalog.topnav12" output="toHtml" }}
code lines to the CMS Home Menu (position-1). Now I have the megamenu horizontally but the sub-menus are not displaying.
Can you please help me with this?
My site is http://punch.gr/index.php
1 answer
you just go to the skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/css/styles.css file to search for this css rule
HTML Code:
.jm-menu-top .jm-megamenu ul { overflow: hidden; width: 100%; }
and change it to
HTML Code:
.jm-menu-top .jm-megamenu ul { overflow: visible; width: 100%; }
That should help.