Megamenu Mega Product and Shipping blocks

Hi, nearly done, however the mega menu isn’t showing the Mega Product and the Shipping CMS block, they do show up if I inspect element and unclick overflow:hidden. But they look a little borked.
Can you take a look and see if you can resolve.
The FTP and Admin details are the same as on my last question
Thanks Lyndon

5 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 3, 2016

Hi Antony Morrow,

The FTP and Admin details are the same as on my last question

Please re-provide me the site URL, admin and FTP credentials of your site: (in a private reply).
I will check further and help you get out.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 4, 2016

Hi Antony Morrow,
I have detected your site and see that issues because you have added wrong settings for some menu items (banner and mega products menu items). You have not set it is a group menu item. I have re-settings for you and the issue was solved:
Please have a look and contact me if you need further assistance!

Profile photo of Antony Morrow 240.00 $tone May 4, 2016

Ah ok thank you. It was a quickstart package I used so maybe someone needs to look at the setting within the Quickstart for Techzone, also the how to guide for the Kids theme within Techzone most of the links to the backend settings aren’t working so a little bit of guess work had to be applied where the quickstart package was lacking. 

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone May 5, 2016

Hi Antony, 
We did change the S3 folder of Techzone guide, so it might cause the change of screenshots’ path. Let our team check and update the screenshots’ link again. 
An Nguyen


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