Hi Mall,
When I open migrated products to update category, it doesn;t show category list and drop down is blank with only square icons. Once I go to categories and saving all one by one, it is shwoing in product pages. Then I re run reindexed command. When I go to product again category list got disappeared. This is tricky, I don;t understand why category list get disappear after reindexing and only get visible after go to category and save each categories.
Please advise me on this.
Many Thanks,
5 answers
Hi there,
This is tricky, I don;t understand why category list get disappear after reindexing and only get visible after go to category and save each categories.
Seem you missing setting Root Category for default store of default website. Kindly re-check this settings.
If issue still persists, kindly provide me the admin credentials, ssh credentials and web root path of your Magento2 site now. I will check further and reply you more later.
Hi there,
I have check your site and see the issue as you mentioned. I see you have moved all migrated categories to the default root category. Why you have to do that? Why you don’t use the migrated root category (Root Catalog Migrated)?
Also, i have created a new root category named Test and created some child categories on it. And now the Categories Selector working fine in your site now: http://i.prntscr.com/GFXYZfgDRISqN20yKHdG5A.png
Let’s try reindex your data again and tell me know how it goes.
Hi there,
it was not showing due to not setting default category in store configuration. Therefore I blindly moved migrated categories to default category
Why you don’t assign the new Root Category Migrated for your Default store?
Anyway, I just re-indexed and check catalog product edit page. I still can’t see categories in product edit page. I believe all those category links with product got disappeared after re indexing.
That is a strange. Actually all our user doesn’t get similar issue as your case.
I see your site has a lot of third-party extensions now. Can you disable all your third-party extension for testing only now?