New products added do not show information

I added a number of products via import and when I open any of them the page in blank. no name, description, price cost etc. I then deleted a product and created it manually and have not been successful. Please advise

11 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone November 27, 2014

Hi Bagged,
Please PM me your site’s url, admin and ftp credentials, I’ll detect the root of issue for troubleshooting.
Best regards,

Profile photo of baggednismo86 220.00 $tone November 28, 2014

I found the root of the problem. If you do not include an image for the product it will then break the product details page. I would like this resolved when you can. I am working on product images when I am done with all the product import sheets.
PM’d you with the site url and admin
I am submitting another problem that is actually the output of the template.

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone December 9, 2014

Hi baggednismo86,
May I know how you install our theme -- using Quickstart package or install theme separately?
Pls try to install our theme manually -- not using quickstart (as quickstart packag already included sample data) , then import again.
I did made a test at my end and it works well.
Best regards,

Profile photo of baggednismo86 220.00 $tone December 11, 2014

That kinda defeats the purpose of buying your theme, i dont want to spend the time recreating all the pages and layout. I just spent 3 hours doing it from scratch and following step-by-step the manual installation guide and I cant even get it to use the casual template. I would like a solution that includes using the quickstart.

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone December 15, 2014

Hi Bagged,
I tried your file with fresh package of magento but face error like this screenshot:
May I know the version of the site from which you have that file?
Best regards,

Profile photo of baggednismo86 220.00 $tone December 15, 2014

Ziven, the error is pretty self explanatory. “The Category does not exist in rows x” is because the test website you are importing to does not have those categories created. Also there are additional attributes in that file which would have to be created to get the import to work correctly or you can remove the additional attributes. I would either change the categories they are importing to or create the categories so they import correctly.
I am using the most current release of Casual as of 12-12-14

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone December 22, 2014

Hi Bagged,
Thought that you should input manually because the sent file doesn’t work with default magento
Best regards,

Profile photo of baggednismo86 220.00 $tone January 7, 2015

thats because there are custom fields that you would have to create or delete them from the import template.
After reinstalling the template 4 times the products work with the same import sheet. not sure where the initial install broke the first few times but it worked finally


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