Ordering of products with JM Product on frontpage

Our customer wants to define the ordering of products. For the pages other then home, this is possible from Catalog > Manage Categories > Category Name > Category products > change the Position number. However, this won’t work with JM Products. How will be able to realize this?

3 answers

Profile photo of Julian Rietman 0.00 $tone January 25, 2013

That’s right. It’s being ordered by the last time an item is edited. If we want to order products around on the front page, we would have to edit the items in the order we want them in.

But this is not a good solution for the long run.

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone January 28, 2013

Hi gulio,

I have tried but it seems so hard to order products by position as mentioned , as you know this module is able to get products from multiple categories and one product could belong to multiple categories also so it seem to be impossible to know exactly which product’s position is for current/active category. For the magento category page, it can sort products by their position that because it’s getting products from a single category !

I hope you understand


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