Hi, there is a small bug .. I think or adjustment to make
When a product is out of stock The add to favorites, email buttons are going over the availability section.
here is the link : http://jolipanda.com/cras-ut-lorem-u…t-volutpa.html
Let me know what you think.
Thank you.
10 answers
Hi It’s a bug of this theme with out-of-stock product, I’ve reported this bug to development team, they will check and fix it soon. You can check its status here: http://pm.joomlart.com/browse/JMTCKIDS-188
Thank you Saguaros
Is there any progress on fixing this bug?
Please PM your FTP.
I will help you fix it.
You can see the bug here. I have sent ftp details by PM
Hi Now your issue have been resolved.
And here are the files i have updated http://prntscr.com/4lzqa6
Thanks a million for your quick support. Looks great now
Everybody in this forum has the problem, can you share the solution? File and line number and what to fix? It will save a lot times from your and others.
Everybody in this forum has the problem, can you share the solution? File and line number and what to fix? It will save a lot times from your and others.
Fixed the problem by adjusting add-to-box in styles.css height to 123px.
on the file "app\design\frontend\default\jm_kidslandtemplate\ catalog\product\view\addto.phtml" line 31
<ul class="add-to-links"> change to <ul class="add-to-links <?php if (!$_product->isAvailable()): ?>out-of-stock<?php endif; ?>">
and in the end of file "style.css" add new rule,
.product-view .product-shop .add-to-links.out-of-stock { position: static; margin: 20px 0 20px -5px; }