I just install Data Migration Pro and make a migration from 1.8 to 2.3
Every thing seem to run ok (all green) and I can see all data in 2.3
Problem it seem that products are not activate or linked to websie (that I can check why) but the wired pb is on any save in product I got
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ’71-93′ for key ‘PRIMARY’, query was: INSERT INTO `temp_catalog_category_tree_index_4abdaa58` (`parent_id`,`child_id`) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?),
But this table doesn(t exist
Any idea?
16 answers
Hi there,
That is a to temporary table only.
Any idea?
Lets try reindex the data by run below CLI command:
php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex
Once done, re-check the issues you mentioned. And tell em know how it goes.
Thanks for your answer
I already did and get same error
Hi there,
That is a Magento indexer issue on your products data. That is strange. I need a closer look to detect further for that issue, lets provide me information about your instance:
+ Admin credentials and URL to back-end
+ SSH credentials and path to M2 folder
Hi there,
You can share your site info here in this thread. Please make sure:
- You mark this ticket private (by navigating to the top of this ticket, right below the ticket subject, and switching to the ‘private’ ticket). Or,
- Simply post a private reply (you will see the ticket option ‘Public’ and ‘Private’ at the bottom of the text editor).
Then only you and our technical team can access that private reply.
Ubertheme team
Hi there,
I have checked your instance and noticed that you haven’t assigned the Root category to the default Store of the current default website in your M2 site yet: http://i.prntscr.com/_bEEiIsaSx2QNjML9pPJtg.png
So, please assign the Root category to your Store. Then, reindex the data by CLI again and clean M2 cache.
Hope that helps.
No it didn’t
I’ve assigned the root category but still I got the same error
How can I solve this issue because I’m blocked now
Hi there,
I’ve assigned the root category but still I got the same error
How can I solve this issue because I’m blocked now
I helped to check further in your instance and I saw a strange that:
You have finished data migration in the step #4, #5 but all your migrated products hasn’t linked to your migrated categories: https://prnt.sc/n1wb4a
Lets try run delta with update mode by run below CLI command:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --mode=update
And recheck the issue you mentioned and tell me know how it goes.
As per your request I did the update
Now I see product on category but not in front
As well I still can’t reindex categories I got the same error during reindex
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ’71-93′ for key ‘PRIMARY’, query was: INSERT INTO `temp_catalog_category_tree_index_4abdaa58` (`parent_id`,`child_id`) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?),
Is there a way to fix this?
Hi there,
Is there a way to fix this?
Could you disable all third-party extensions installed in your M2 instance to test migrated data first?
Hello UB team
we have used your module for magento 1 to magento 2 data migration.
while migration we got issues in store wise product attribute value migration in products.
we have 2 store one English and french on both magento 1 and magento 2.
for e.g we have have different product description as per store wise but after migrate we got only English description we didn’t get french description.
so product migration store wise not working.
Also do we migrate static bloc and page while migrating?
please can you help us on that.
Thank you
Hi there,
Also do we migrate static bloc and page while migrating?
It’s pity that our migration tool doesn’t support to migrate CMS static blocks at present.
for e.g we have have different product description as per store wise but after migrate we got only English description we didn’t get french description.
That is a strange issue. Did you select the ‘French’ store view to migrate in the Step 2 settings of our migration tool?
ok I understand
can we reset data and revert to no data and do again?
Hi there,
can we reset data and revert to no data and do again?
Yes, you could reset all steps of our migration tool and re-proceed data migration in all steps from the ground up.