Post upgrade to Pro error

I’ve just upgraded DataMigration Lite to Pro. I ftp the new files. Then did 
php -f bin/magento module:enable -c Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -f bin/magento cache:clean
However, within admin in UB Data Migration I get the following error:
Error 500
Uninitialized string offset: 0
I can see nothing in the logs 
Lite was working w/o issue.
Any suggestions?

30 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone June 25, 2018

Hi Eddie, 
Due to our limited resource, we could not update the Lite version, thus there’s a huge difference between the code base of the Lite vs. Pro version. 
Could you please set up a fresh Magento 2 instance and install our latest Pro version? This way will avoid unexpected issues when upgrading from the Lite version.
Thanks for your understanding.
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone June 25, 2018

Hi Eddie, 
As explained in our previous reply, it would be best to install a fresh Magento 2 instance, then re-install our Pro version. This help to avoid unexpected issues when migrating.
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of eddiem 330.00 $tone June 25, 2018

Yes, I understand but I’m not sure if I have that option really. Our dev & test systems have had lots of work done (extensions installed & configured, etc) prior to importing customer/sales data, etc.
If you know of a way of exporting 3rd party extension configuration tables that would be helpful. Manually reentering is not really an option I’m afraid. So starting with a fresh installation is not an option unless you do.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 25, 2018

Hi there,
Let’s provide me information about your instance:
+ Admin credentials and back-end URL
+ SSH credentials and path to Magento2 folder
I will help to check further and reply you more later.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 25, 2018

Hi there,
Seem you have whitelist Ips, I could open a ssh connection:
Also, I checked via back-end of your site and I saw your M2 is version 2.2.4 but you have installed the old version of our pro edition.
For compatible with the M2.2.4 you must upgrade to version 3.1.4 of our tool.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 26, 2018

Hi there,
We see you that you already upgraded to Pro ver3.1.4, however the upgrade has not completed successfully.
Please help to confirm if you did use the Reset feature when using the Lite version first time? If you did use, we’re afraid you must start migrating on a fresh Magento 2 instance.
If you have not used the Reset feature, we can help to update to Pro ver3.1.4. However, there might be unexpected issue during your migration, as your current M2 instance did have existing migrated data.
We know this will take you extra time, but re-starting on a fresh Magento 2.2.4 instance will be the best option under this circumstance.

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone June 27, 2018

Hi Eddie,
We’re sorry for getting back to you a bit late. 
Please pause all process at your end. We’ll uninstall the old migration tool version and update to the latest UB Data Migration Pro ver3.1.4. 
Please note once we help to install Pro ver3.1.4, all your current migrated data will be treated as sample data, and you will migrate again from the ground up. 
We will keep you informed once done.
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 27, 2018

Hi there,

The migration is now stuck.
I made sure to:
merge default websites
keep original ids

Please re-check my reply #14. I have mentioned that:

+ Because your instance has existing sample data (including the migrated data which is also treated as sample data), and you couldn’t check the ‘KEEP ORIGINAL IDs’ option in all steps of our tool.

To continue, you must reset step #7 and then resetting to uncheck ‘KEEP ORIGINAL IDs’ checkbox option in this step.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 27, 2018

Hi there,

I’ve reset step #7 & unchecked Keep Original Ids’. However, same error:
 Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ’47-1′ for key ‘CATALOGINVENTORY_STOCK_ITEM_PRODUCT_ID_STOCK_ID’. The SQL statement 

I’m sorry. That issue related to the data migration in the step #5 of our tool. And to solve that, you must uncheck the ‘KEEP ORIGINAL IDs’ checkbox in the settings of step #5.
Once done, you could continue.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 27, 2018

Hi there,
Please try run below SQL statement in M2 database:

TRUNCATE TABLE `cataloginventory_stock_item`

And then, run data migration in the step #5 by run below CLI command:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=5 --mode=update
And tell me know how it goes then.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 27, 2018

Hi there,

Am I able to complete the migration via the UI after this completes or should I stay using the CLI?

You could continue with using CLI command or do data migration via back-end UI of our tool now.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 27, 2018

Hi there,

This is despite not previously having migrated customers (Lite version has got that functionality?)

Yes, that is right. Please don’t check to ‘KEEP ORIGINAL IDs’ in the step #6 of our tool too.

Profile photo of eddiem 330.00 $tone June 27, 2018

Importing sales:

 Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’. The SQL statement executed was: INSERT INTO `sales_order` (`total_item_count`, `paypal_ipn_customer_notified`, `entity_id`, `state`, `status`, `protect_code`, `shipping_description`, `is_virtual`, `store_id`, `base_discount_amount`, `base_discount_invoiced`, `base_grand_total`, `base_shipping_amount`, `base_shipping_invoiced`, `base_shipping_tax_amount`, `base_subtotal`, `base_subtotal_invoiced`, `base_tax_amount`, `base_tax_invoiced`, `base_to_global_rate`, `base_to_order_rate`, `base_total_invoiced`, `base_total_invoiced_cost`, `base_total_paid`, `discount_amount`, `discount_invoiced`, `grand_total`, `shipping_amount`, `shipping_invoiced`, `shipping_tax_amount`, `store_to_base_rate`, `store_to_order_rate`, `subtotal`, `subtotal_invoiced`, `tax_amount`, `tax_invoiced`, `total_invoiced`, `total_paid`, `total_qty_ordered`, `customer_is_guest`, `customer_note_notify`, `billing_address_id`, `customer_group_id`, `email_sent`, `quote_id`, `shipping_address_id`, `base_shipping_discount_amount`, `base_subtotal_incl_tax`, `base_total_due`, `shipping_discount_amount`, `subtotal_incl_tax`, `total_due`, `weight`, `increment_id`, `base_currency_code`, `customer_email`, `customer_firstname`, `customer_lastname`, `global_currency_code`, `order_currency_code`, `shipping_method`, `store_currency_code`, `store_name`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `customer_gender`, `shipping_incl_tax`, `base_shipping_incl_tax`, `customer_id`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, :yp5, :yp6, :yp7, :yp8, :yp9, :yp10, :yp11, :yp12, :yp13, :yp14, :yp15, :yp16, :yp17, :yp18, :yp19, :yp20, :yp21, :yp22, :yp23, :yp24, :yp25, :yp26, :yp27, :yp28, :yp29, :yp30, :yp31, :yp32, :yp33, :yp34, :yp35, :yp36, :yp37, :yp38, :yp39, :yp40, :yp41, :yp42, :yp43, :yp44, :yp45, :yp46, :yp47, :yp48, :yp49, :yp50, :yp51, :yp52, :yp53, :yp54, :yp55, :yp56, :yp57, :yp58, :yp59, :yp60, :yp61, :yp62, :yp63, :yp64, :yp65, :yp66, :yp67, :yp68)rved. 


Profile photo of eddiem 330.00 $tone June 27, 2018

Customers -- source DB has 14123 rows in customer_entity
Mage 2 shows only 2 customers 
Even tho’ migration of customer has finished successfully

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 28, 2018

Hi there,

 Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’. The SQL statement executed was: INSERT INTO `sales_order` (`total_item_count`, `paypal_ipn_customer_notified`, 

As explained in first reply. Please don’t check to ‘KEEP ORIGINAL IDs’ checkbox in all steps of our tool.

Mage 2 shows only 2 customers 

Did you finished the data migration in the step #6? Did you check in M2 database or customers grid view in back-end?
Please note that, to see customers in back-end grid view you must reindex the data after migrated.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 30, 2018

Hi there,

My worry is how to delta updates to sales.

You could looking how to delta migration in all steps of our tool in the guide of our tool in Readme.html (included in download package)


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