I have products that have custom options (basically all my products will and this is key to my site) and when i choose a custom option on a product page it should refresh / update the the price on the product page but it does not. Im pretty sure this is a template thing as other sites refresh this as standard behaviour. Could you take a look please and see if it can be fixed
3 answers
I have determined your problem that price is not updated when choosing custom options .
However I couldn’t give the best solution if I don’t know your site. Please give us the login information FTP/Admin account to your support ticket PTG-359-24326 in http://support.joomlart.com. We’ll check for you. Thanks.
Thanks for giving me the login info. I have checked and seen that price is only updated when you add to cart. This isn’t bug, it is Magento feature.
Regarding the question you asked:
One more question -- do you know if it is possible to move the custom options / add to cart box to be below the product information area /tabs?
I have done this before on another site / template and it caused problems so ended up abandoning it.
Please move this code:
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php if ($_product->isSaleable() && $this->hasOptions()):?>
<?php echo $this->getChildChildHtml(‘container2’, ”, true, true) ?>
<?php endif;?>
in app\design\frontend\default\jm_adamitetemplate\ca talog\product\view.phtml
to the end of that file.
hi -- ok thanks for checking , i will look to see if i can work it out somehow
Ive moved the custom options box and it seems to work fine (still need to test in detail) -- thanks for your help.
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