Problem with a third-party extension

We have an incompatibility with Mega Mall theme and a third party extension -- Amasty Product Extensions -- M2 version.
Their developer says:

Hello Nick,
My colleague has reviewed your issue.

The point is you have got a custom theme and due to custom layout and blocks’ names the extension cannot add the Download tab to a product page

This can be solved by adding the following to a proper place:
getLayout()->createBlock(‘Amasty\ProductAttachment\Block\Catalog\Product\Attachment’, ”, [‘data’=>[‘custom_mode’=> true, ‘skip_head’=>true]])->toHtml(); ?>

Could you contact your there vendor so they could check this?

Are you able to please help us?
Same site, same credentials as previous ticket.
Thanks in advance.

6 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone December 18, 2017

Hi Nick,
I tried to make in My Dev and it still working fine.
But when upload to your site I see this issue:
Please help me to resolve and I will continue to this task.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of Nick Fahrer 720.00 $tone December 18, 2017

Hi Ziven,
let me know what you are trying and i will fix permission issue for you. I am available online at the moment.
Mayur (website developer for The Bridge Shop)

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone December 18, 2017

Hi There,
I’m only changed the file: app\design\frontend\Ubertheme\megamall\Magento_Catalog\templates\product\view\details.phtml and make re-compile LESS. but when done it show issue like the photo above. 
Please help me check.
Best Regards,


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