Product does not list fully

I have ensured that my product attribute/category/settings are all set up properly.
However, the products that are in the category does not display fully.

I have attached some screenshots. I always add these products into a category calledn "featured products" to keep track which ones have "Featured=yes".

In addition, would also like to know how I can make it such that I can control the order of the products displayed.


Hope to hear from someone soon.

1 answer

Profile photo of Saguaros 0.00 $tone January 9, 2012

It seems that you may make some changes in code in file:



In line:


$this->_config ['qty'] = $this->_config ['qty'] > 0 ? $this->_config ['qty'] : 5;

This indicates that if you input number of product =<0, it will display only 5 products. Please change to other larger number.
In case you want display all, pls change to this ‘$listall’
Hope this helps.


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