I just noticed that after migration all of our product url:s are different than in M1. For example M1:
now it is
Any info how to fix this? Can we re-import rewrites somehow with delta tool (actually already delta migrated products -- no help).
3 answers
Hi Mikko,
Any info how to fix this?
You can do the following steps so that M2 can re-generate URL rewrites for categories and associated products:
1 -- In categories management, create a new root category named ‘Temp Root Category’
2 -- Open Stores management, edit the default Store of the default Website and set the ‘Root Category’ form field to the newly added root category ‘Temp Root Category’ and click Save button.
3 -- Once done, open Stores management once again, edit the default Store of the default Website and set the Root Category form field to the main root category which you want to publish in the storefront again and click Save button.
Magento will re-generate categories and associated products URLs rewrite in this step. It might take sometime to complete this task (It depends on the volume of categories and associated products)
Once done, re-index the data and clean the Magento cache. And let me how it goes then.
Thanks, that works!
Hi Mikko,
We’re glad that it helps.
In case you have any other questions, feel free to get back to us here.
Ubertheme team