Products not visible in the frontend

I’ve succesfully migrated the products from magento 1 to magento 2 with your tool. It works flawless! 
The only problem that I have, the products are not visible in the frontend. The categories show up, but products do not appear. I’ve also tried to access products directly, but that gave me an 404 error.
I’ve saved all the sites, like you mentioned in the readme file.
The other strange thing is that a bulk operation on the products is not working. It gives an error on the inventory? 

Notice: Undefined offset: 32000 in /data/web/magento2/vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/adminhtml/templates/catalog/product/edit/action/inventory.phtml on line 36

I’ve updated the database with the below rule:

INSERT INTO cataloginventory_stock (stock_idwebsite_idstock_name) VALUES ('1', '1', 'default');

After this I am able to save a single product.

12 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone January 17, 2020

Hi there,

After this I am able to save a single product.

That is a default data record in the database of Magento after you install M2 instance and enable Magento_CatalogInventory module. It seems that you got some issue when enabling this core module and it wasn’t installed successfully in your M2. Please verify this once again at your end.

Please continue with your workaround, and contact me if you need further assistance.

The only problem that I have, the products are not visible in the frontend. The categories show up, but products do not appear. I’ve also tried to access products directly, but that gave me an 404 error.

This might associate with different scenarios.
I notice that your M2 is using version 2.3, and it seems you upgraded from an older M2 instance. If that is the case, please upgrade our migration tool to the latest Pro ver 3.2.3 for full compatibility. Once done, try to run delta update in Step 5 once again.
Also please make sure you must assign the migrated root category as the root category of the default store of default website in your M2 instance.
If the issue still persists, please let me know.


Profile photo of frissekom 70.00 $tone January 17, 2020

Hi Mall,
Thanks for your reply. It is a fresh magento install and an fresh install of our plugin (installed it yesterday). So we installed the latest versions of both. The problems still persist.
Also after a reset and a fresh migration, the problems keep the same.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone January 17, 2020

Hi there,

It is a fresh magento install and an fresh install of our plugin (installed it yesterday). So we installed the latest versions of both.

Thanks for your additional information. 

So, please check the stock information of your products again. Then make sure you have assigned the migrated root category as the root category of the default store of default website in your M2 instance.
Also make sure you have reindexed the migrated data successfully.
If the issue still persist after you verify all above-mentioned points, please provide me the following site credentials: 

  • URL and admin credentials of your M2 instance
  • SSH Credentials of your M2 instance
  • Let me know the path to your M2 folder

PS. Please make sure you mark your reply private, or switch this ticket to the private mode. Then it’s safe to share your site info here, only you and our technical team can access.

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone January 17, 2020

Hi there, 
We still need to http authentication credentials, since we run across this error notice:
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone January 17, 2020

Hi there,

I have checked your instance and saw the root cause of that issue was because Magento 2 has not re-generated URL rewrite for your products successfully yet. All product’s URL rewrites was missing.
I tried with the following steps to let M2 regenerate URL rewrite for categories and associated products, but I got this issue: (I guessed you also got that issue when assigning the new migrated root category at your end)

And that is why you saw product’s Not Found issue in your M2 frontend.

For your information, I tried to edit the URL key of one product (SKU: NC0098) in the back-end, and then, the related URL rewrites of this product were generated: and it was working in your frontend:


I think the root cause of issue relates to the bad data in the values of URL Key or URL path of categories and products in your M2 site. Thus, M2 couldn’t fully regenerate URL rewrites for your products after you have assigned the new root category in Store management.
Anyway, I noticed that you did use Frissekom_Migration in your instance before. Using 3rd party migration solution might lead unexpected conflict with our migration tool in some cases.   We wonder if you can consider to start on a fresh Magento 2 instance with our migration tool to proceed with data migration from the ground up? 
We know this option takes you extra time, yet it will help to avoid unexpected conflicts and ensure the data integrity. 


Profile photo of frissekom 70.00 $tone January 17, 2020

I’ve managed to get this working
After setting the category back the default root category, I’ve saved it and reindexed.
Afterwards I’ve switched it back to the migrated category and saved it with reindexing it starts showing all the products.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone January 17, 2020

Hi there,

Afterwards I’ve switched it back to the migrated category and saved it with reindexing it starts showing all the products.

That is good. Lets continue at your end and contact me if you need further assistance.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone January 30, 2020

Hi there,

I’ve flushed the url_rewrites table and resaved all the categories, but it keeps giving me these errors.

That was because your M1 database had duplicated values of URL Keys of categories and products.
Please run this CLI command to clean such duplicated values of URL Keys on categories and products: php -f bin/ubdatamigration fixduplicateurl

Then, you need to follow the following steps so that M2 can re-generate URL rewrite of categories and associated products in your M2 site:

1 — In categories management, create a new root category named ‘Temp Root Category’
2 — Open Stores management, edit the default Store of the default Website and set the ‘Root Category’ form field to the newly added root category ‘Temp Root Category’ and click Save button.
3 — Once done, open Stores management once again, edit the default Store of the default Website and set the Root Category form field to the main root category which you want to publish in the storefront again and click Save button.
Magento will regenerate categories and associated products URLs rewrite in this step. It might take sometime to complete this task (It depends on the volume of categories and associated products)
And then, re-index the data and clean the Magento cache.
Once done, please let me know how it goes.


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