I have the latest version installed, and infinite loading enabled and set to “Auto Scrolling” type, but the catalog page still shows the page numbers and requires a click to load the next page. What should I do?
5 answers
Hi there,
What should I do?
Did you clean the Magento2 cache after your changing?
Yes that fixed it. I noticed Load More buttons on the top and bottom of the page but really the top button shouldn’t be there. How can it be removed?
Hi there,
How can it be removed?
Seem you have customized your product list/grid views? Let’s provide me the admin credentials, ssh credentials and web root folder path of your Magento2. I will check further and tell you workaround to solve that later.
In that test I was using the latest version unmodified, but yes I am working to customize it. I will gather details and provide them soon. Thank you