The search function is not working on our website.
Can you please advise?
11 answers
What do you mean by not working? For instance, if I go to your search page and type steerhide in the name box I get 2 pages of items. So from that and a few other searches I have tried it seems to work as expected.
What do you mean by not working? For instance, if I go to your search page and type steerhide in the name box I get 2 pages of items. So from that and a few other searches I have tried it seems to work as expected.
Precisely! there are only 3 jackets with steerhide anywhere in their details, yet it brings up every jacket. I’ve had to swap over to the advanced search only as the basic search just wasn’t working at all.
HI tweedsolutions,
Just taking a look and I was seeing that the normal search box is disabled so could not check, also I try a search at this theme demo here and it’s working well, Can you enable the search box for checking or pm me the admin account for taking a look ?
Hi Sherlock,
I’ve just tried the demo and typed in "tablet". It then brings up everything!
That is correct, the text from the articles that go with them almost in all cases includes the word "tablet". Type CMOS and you only get 2 pages.
That is correct, the text from the articles that go with them almost in all cases includes the word "tablet". Type CMOS and you only get 2 pages.
Okay, but why is my Search function bringing up everything?
It is not bringing up everything. For instance, if I search for "bike" ten only 1 item comes up. If I search for "Detroit" then I get 2 items appear. The search term "steerhide" brings up 10 items and all items contain that term.
It is not bringing up everything. For instance, if I search for "bike" ten only 1 item comes up. If I search for "Detroit" then I get 2 items appear. The search term "steerhide" brings up 10 items and all items contain that term.
The Basic search box has been disabled as it was not working at all.
I have had to implement the advanced search onto the main menu in order to have a working search function.
That is why it is now working!
Unless you enable the standard search we cannot test the search on your website. The feature is not template related but a core part of Magento so maybe the Magento forums would be a better place to ask.
Hi Phil,
I have added the search box again. It is still not working. Any help would be really appreciated.
Your search box is working exactly as the designers of Magento intended. Type "Memphis" in the box and it prings up 1 item. Type "Leather" in the box and it brings up more items. Not sure what else I can say to help.
As I said, this is a core feature of Magento so maybe they are the best people to ask about the way the search element of Magento operates.
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